9:45 Sunday School for all ages
11:00 Worship Service
* What Should I Wear?
Dress however you’d like. We want you to be comfortable, and on any given Sunday, you’ll find worshipers at RCUMC in everything from dress clothes to more casual attire like jeans and a t-shirt.
* What is Worship Like at Rockingham Court?
We celebrate a fairly traditional service complete with hymns, multiple scripture readings, a sermon, an offering, and the sacraments of Baptism and Communion on certain Sundays. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month, and baptism is celebrated whenever an individual, or family, has made the necessary arrangements with the pastor.
* What about my children?
We provide a nursery for parents with infants and young children during our Sunday services. Older children are welcome to attend worship with their parents, or we provide what’s called “Children’s Church,” where kids are invited to go downstairs into the fellowship hall for a more age appropriate lesson or activity.
* Do I Have to be a Member to Take Communion?
No, you do not have to be a member of the church to receive communion. The United Methodist Church practices an open table where everyone is invited because we believe Jesus Christ is the host. Holy Communion represents a personal and lasting relationship with God through Jesus Christ, so persons of all ages and backgrounds are welcome.